Ruth Appiagyei – Cornerstone
Ghanaian gospel songstress Ruth Appiagyei has released a new single titled ‘Cornerstone’. The worship single carries as a message the truth that Christ Jesus stands as the cornerstone of our faith. Ruth’s powerful but soothing voice makes the song memorable and worth repeating time and again.[outofthebox account=”dbid:AABNgX7o7Gng9Jhr28qmSIIa3LvJKjMo1mo” mode=”audio” include=”Ruth-Appiagyei-Cornerstone_.mp3″ viewrole=”administrator|author|contributor|editor|subscriber|guest” downloadrole=”all” playlistthumbnails=”0″ linktomedia=”1″]
[su_button url=”″ background=”#e80021″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ icon=”icon: cloud-download” download=”Download Audio”]Download Audio[/su_button]